Mostar Round Trip

Mostar RoundTrip Hebrew is a 2011 Israeli documentary film, a Fisher Features Ltd. release directed and produced by David Fisher. The film follows his son, Yuval and his classmates who are studying in an international highschool, United World College, in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.The film also exposes the recuperating city, which has been greatly damaged during the Bosnian War and is now geographically divided between the Bosniak and Croat populations. This is the second film in the family trilogy created by Fisher that started with the critically acclaimed Love Inventory 2000 and completed by Six Million and One 2011.

The film addresses different issues concerning Coming of age such as alienation, love, family and military service part of the film is set during the Gaza War. These stories are set against the backdrop of this college, situated on what used to be the frontline between the Croatians and the Bosniaks, during the Bosnian War that ended in 1995. Although Yuval is far from home, this actually brings him and his father closer together. Their talks reveal father and teenager son tension with great honesty, maturity and openness. Yuvals roommate is Salam, an Israeli Arab, with whom he holds passionate political debates. Salam is a playboy and a charmer, so its no wonder Yuval brings him a sugar cube to bed, one morning after a bitter fight they had over Middle Eastern politics. With them are also Niv, who talks very honestly about his encounter with Arab peers, stating that back home the word Arab is used in a derogative way amongst his friends, a fact he is now ashamed of and Niva she just wants to be an actress and doesnt know what to expect from her army service. The film is filled with John Hughes like scenes of the life of youngsters at the college, but with the ironic setting of a city that doesnt leave them indifferent.The UWC college is portrayed as microcosms which proves as a highly valuable and substantial stage in preparing the students for a mature and challenging life as grownups. ........

Source: Wikipedia